
Can I Get A Drumroll Please?!

Posted by Nancy For PetTest AAHA Certified Diabetes Educator on Sep 17th 2019

Can I Get A Drumroll Please?!

Can I Get A Drumroll Please?!

I mentioned in a post not long ago that there would be an announcement about a NEW, Diabetic Friendly, One Stop Shop for our babies and for us... 

Well, the time has come!!!  I am so incredibly excited about this, that there’s a company that cares so much about us, our pups and our journey to navigate Canine (and Feline) Diabetes, that they not only have made a more affordable, accurate meter for us and all that goes with it.  They have taken the time to create a Diabetic friendly, one stop shop where we can go to get everything that we need for our pups in one place without worrying if they are suitable for our Diabetic Pets  AND given us discounts on top of that!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Let me give you an example of the discounts.  We all need a meter and strips to manage this disease and with code RETRIEVE19 we can get a meter (one per customer) for just the cost of shipping!  What goes in the meter?  Why strips of course!  Here’s the big one… PetTest strips will be the most affordable on this website than they are ANYWHERE ELSE!!!  That me say that again.  PetTest strips will be the least expensive on this site than they are ANYWHERE ELSE!!!  If you place an order for 2 boxes of strips, you get a third box FREE, then, you factor in the “return customer” discount of 5% and free shipping and you just can’t beat that deal anywhere!!!!  Let me put that another way:

Free Box of Strips + %5 + Free Shipping = HUGE SAVINGS!!!

If you are a one box of strips buyer, you will not be left out!  The discount for a single box of strips that are 30% off with CODE:  ILOVEPETTEST, add on the 5% additional discount for being a return customer and you are a big winner TOO!!!

I have also heard rumor that auto-ship is coming soon at even MORE savings!!!  It’s Craaaaazzzzy!  I know, I know, tone it down Nancy.  I just can’t help it; I’m so excited that there is a safe and easy website just for US!!!

There are new products in the “pipeline” that we all use already and will be added to the website as soon as they come online.

If you have already purchased from AdvocateMeters.com, you are already in the system!  You may just need to  change your password to enjoy all of these incredible discounts.

Come and visit this AMAZING NEW WEBSITE HERE:   ShopPetTest.com

I hope that you will all shop at the “ShopPetTest” website and show PetTest that we not only appreciate all that they do for us, but that we support them in their success just like they support us in ours.  I’m sending out a HUGE thank you to the decision makers at PetTest for always looking for ways to help us along our Diabetic Pet journey.  We could do it without you, but not nearly as well as we can WITH you.  I speak for all Diabetic Pet Owners when I say a heartfelt thank you!

If you have questions, feel free to comment below.  If you have any thoughts or ideas for topics that you’d like to see covered here, please feel free to comment below or send me an email at NancyForPetTest@pharmasupply.com.  As always, please “like” this blog post or any of the others that have helped you or just refreshed your memory.Look for new posts every Monday, Wednesday and Friday!

Until next time…