A New Language for Your Diabetic Dog
Today let’s talk about the new language that you need to learn for this Diabetic journey. Before I even joined any groups for Canine Diabetes, I was a bit baffled by the terms being thrown around at the vet clinic where it seemed like I was spending the better part of my life when Max was first diagnosed. Add that foreign language to my already spinning head and well, you know what I mean. It was all just overwhelming!
So today, thanks to a suggestion by Anne Marie, we will explore the common terms that we use most when it comes to Canine Diabetes. Maybe it will save you some “Google” time. LOL
Acidosis – Too much acid in the body, usually from the production of ketones like acetone, when cells are starved.
Antibodies – Proteins that the body produces to protect itself from foreign substances, such as bacteria or viruses
Autoimmune disease – A disorder of the body’s immune system in which the immune system mistakenly attacks itself.
Basal rate – The amount of insulin required to manage normal daily blood glucose fluctuations
BG – Blood Glucose. This is what we test with our meter.
BID – When seen on a prescription, this means give the medication twice (two times) a day.
BP – Blood Pressure
Calorie – Energy that comes from food
Carbohydrate – One of the three main classes of foods and a source of energy; carbohydrates are mainly sugars and starches that the body breaks down into glucose.
Dawn phenomenon – A rise in blood sugar levels in the early morning hours
Dehydration – Large loss of body water; if a dog with diabetes has a very high blood sugar level, it causes increased water loss through increased urination and therefore, extreme thirst.
DKA – A severe, life threatening condition that results from hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), dehydration and acid buildup that needs emergency fluid and insulin treatment; DKA happens when there is not enough insulin and cells become starved for sugars. An alternative source of energy called ketones becomes activated.The system creates a buildup of acids.
DM – Diabetes Myelitis
Glaucoma – An eye disease associated with increased pressure within the eye.
Glucose – A simple sugar found in the blood. It is the body’s main source of energy; also known as “dextrose”.
Hyperglycemia – High blood sugar
Human insulin – Bio-engineered insulin very similar to insulin made by the body; the DNA code for making human insulin is put into bacteria or yeast cells and the insulin made is purified and sold as human insulin.
Hypoglycemia – Low blood sugar
Injection site rotation – Changing the areas on the body where a person injects insulin; by changing the area of injection, the injections will be easier, safer and more comfortable. If the same injection site is used repeatedly, hardened areas, lumps, or indentations can develop under the skin which keeps the insulin from being absorbed properly. These lumps or indentations are called “lipodystrophies”.
Insulin – A hormone produced by the pancreas that helps the body use sugar for energy; the beta cells of the pancreas make insulin.
Intermediate-acting Insulin – Covers insulin needs for about 12 hours
Neuropathy – Nerve damage
Pancreatitis - Inflammation of the pancreas
Polydipsia – Excessive thirst that lasts for long periods of time
Polyphagia – Excessive hunger and eating
Rebound effect – also known as Somogyi effect see this blog post. https://advocatemeters.com/blog/is-my-diabetic-dog-in-rebound-somogyi/
SID – When seen on a prescription, this means give medication once (one time) a day.
Unit of insulin – The basic measure of insulin; U-100 is the most common concentration of human insulin. U-100 means that there are 100 units of insulin per milliliter (ml) of liquid. U-40 means that there are 40 parts of insulin per milliliter of liquid.
UTI - Urinary Tract Infection
I hope that this will help you navigate just a little better!
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Until next time...